2022 8th Annual Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament

2022 8th Annual Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament
Our 7th Annual Golf Tournament did not disappoint! Over 200 HVAC professionals, volunteers, and local businesses participated in the tournament and helped raise $70,000 for the University of Hawaii Cancer Center! Check out the photos from this awesome event below: PHOTO GALLERY
With donations from our 7th Annual Golf Tournament, Cooling Cancer was excited to present the University of Hawaii Cancer Center with a donation check on October 29, 2019 for a total of $70,000. With the recent donation, Cooling Cancer has donated a total of $345,000 to the organizations cause. Thank you to all of our […]
Cooling Cancer is so blessed and proud to present the University of Hawaii Cancer Center with a donation check for the sixth year in a row. This year’s check totaled $65,000- Making CoolingCancer’s total contribution to $275,000 to date. The money was raised from our 2018 Cooling Cancer Golf Tournament held in August and we […]
Our individual and team spots have sold out but we still have sponsorship team spots available. Click to view our available sponsorship opportunities. VIEW SPONSORSHIPS
Drew Santos represented Cooling Cancer and Admor HVAC Products at the University of Hawaii Cancer Center (UHCC) Director’s Circle meeting held on November 8, 2017. Dr. Randall Holcombe, Director of the Center led the meeting that reviewed the State of the Cancer Center, Current Budget, Future Direction, Clinical Trials, Community Engagement, National Cancer Institute Accreditation […]
We all know several incredible women who are breast cancer survivors. Each one of them is a gift and the reason why we must help support breast cancer research and patients. CoolingCancer started its first team to participate in the 2017 Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure® and joined the fight against breast cancer […]
CoolingCancer.org presented a check for $60,000 to the University of Hawaii Cancer Center on October 2, 2017. Majority of the $60,000 was raised during our 5th Annual CoolingCancer Golf Tournament held in September at the Hoakalei Country Club. This year’s donation brings CoolingCancer’s total contributions to the UH Cancer Center to $210,000!! Our sincere thanks […]
With this year’s tournament again selling out months in advance, about 200 HVAC industry professionals, volunteers, and local businesses came together to raise money for the University of Hawaii Cancer Center. The tournament featured dozens of prizes, various beverages and food on the course, Caddy Cuties, the University of Hawaii Cheerleading team, and so much […]
CoolingCancer.org presented a check for $50,000 to the University of Hawaii Cancer Center on October 11, 2016. This represents the proceeds from our 4th Annual CoolingCancer Golf Tournament held in September at the Hoakalei Country Club, bringing our total contributions to the Cancer Center up to $150,000! Our sincere thanks to the sponsors, volunteers, golfers […]