The American Cancer Society estimates that a total of 6,650 new cancer cases will be reported in Hawaii for all of 20131. That means with approximately 1.37 million people in Hawaii2, 1 out of every 206 local residents have been or will be diagnosed with some type of cancer just in 2013 alone.
THERE IS HOPE AND STEADY PROGRESS! The 5-year relative survival rate for all cancers diagnosed between 2002-2008 is 68%, up from 49% in 1975-1977. The improvement is greatly credited to new developments and methods of early detection, as well as improvements in treatment3.
Help us continue to support the ongoing research and testing by the University of Hawaii Cancer Center and other Hawaii cancer institutions by making a donation today.
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Making a donation in honor of someone?
Have your loved one featured on our In Honor of our Loved Ones page and share your/their story with others. After making your donation, you will be directed to a form where you can fill out some information and upload a photo if you wish. If you have already made your donation but have not had a chance to honor your loved one, please send us your information to coolingcancer@gmail.com. See the In Honor of our Loved Ones page to see submission samples. There are too many of us that have had an experience or knows someone with cancer, to ever feel like you are in this battle alone. Thank you for your donation and for sharing with us.
1American Cancer Society, “Estimated Number of New Cases for Selected Cancer by State, US, 2013,” in Cancer Facts & Figures (2013) p. 5
2United States Census Bureau, “Population Estimates Program,” Hawaii Population (2013)
3American Cancer Society, “What Percentage of People Survive Cancer,” in Cancer Facts & Figures (2013) p. 2