Breast Cancer
Donation made by: Charlie Young and Drew, Shirley, and Kellie Santos
Aloha! My name is Jen Young, I am a mother of 2 boys, Chazz and Cyrus, and wife of Charlie Young of Admor HVAC Distributors. There is no cancer history in my family. Because of this information, my doctor had advised me that a mammogram was not necessary until the age of 40. On May 15th, 2013, I had my 1st mammogram screening. On June 27th, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage 1, Grade 2, ER-Postive/PR-Positive HER2-Negative, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma Breast Cancer.
On October 16th, 2013 a Bilateral Mastectomy procedure done to remove the cancer and breast tissues. A portion of the cancer biopsy removed on that day, was sent to the UH Cancer Research Center. Your donations are a huge blessing and makes a difference in someone’s life, like mines. By funding the UH Cancer Research Center, this allows the Center to continue with their on going research to cure cancer, and determining cancer developments within the different nationalities that are here in Hawaii. My family and I thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your support.